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Sound of Amazing Grace (Feat, Violinist Laura Lynn)

There were years of pain and sorrow
There were days I thought I never make it through
But I found you, ooooohooh
Now my heart it rests with you
Lead me to where you are
I will follow and I will never leave your side

Cause this is amazing grace
My heart it sings for joy
My heart it longs for you
Now I’m free to walk in your marvelous light
In all your ways
I will acknowledge you
You are a loving you are a faithful God

Wooohh ohh woooooohhhhhhhh
Amazing grace
How sweet is the sound of your amazing name
Oh God I am free forever these chains are broken into pieces
I will praise your name I am forever yours
And this is the definition of your sacrificial love
Mighty it was for me

Amazing grace,
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see